Pushing Pixels Has No Limits
John Sawyer is an award winning Post Production Professional currently working as a Freelance Editor/Motion Graphic Designer/VFX Artist.
You can find his work everywhere across a wide range of platforms such as national and regional broadcast TVC, Time Square Billboards, movie theaters, Online Videos (“OLVs” like YouTube and Hulu), most all social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, SnapChat, Pinterest, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
Now, if you’re the type of person who gets out of home (OOH) once in a while, his work can be seen at major airports, elevators, taxi cabs, public transportation interiors and vestibules, highway and building billboards, planetariums… Hell, you can even find his work hidden in meme dumps on Reddit and Imgur, and if you’re desperate enough, there might be some extra content under your couch cushion…
There's no knowing where it'll show up next.
Photo by: Liana Stroia